If you own a website or a blog, that doesn’t just means that your job is done. You will have to promote your website using following good possible ways in order toboost your webtrafic to get some eye balls on your website content. I will be shortly discussing the Top 20 ways to boost your website traffic.
1. Submit your website to Search Engines
The very first thing is to Submit your website url to all top search engines i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc. Search Engine Submission means, that you are telling or permitting the search engines to crawl your website and get it listed on their search service, resulting in some instant quality traffic. In order to submit your website to 70+ search engines FREE use following url:
2. Directory Submissions
You must submit your site to all major directories. DMOZ which is (was once was the most important directory). But however the trends have changed, and DMOZ has lost its value to some extent, because especially Engines like Google no more require DMOZ to list a website in order to get it listed, like it once was. But still, directory submission could be very helpful in getting some little PR. To submit your website to few major directories on the web goto: http://freewebsubmission.com/
3. Submit Articles
I believe that Article submission plays a very very important part in getting good quality traffic plus gets your good Link Value in terms of SEO (search engine optimization). Some of popular article directories are Ezine, Article Base or Go Articles which can instantly boost in your website traffic, with good SEO impact. What you need to do is Write a detailed article of 350-500 words describing yourwebsite blog or its services, and at the end give in your website url. This way when search spiders reads your posts it transfers High value to your links resulting in better SEO and better chance to get listed higher on google.
4. Sumit your Sitemap to Search Engines
Submission of sitemaps search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing is a very important part, to get your website listed as quickly as possible and as well as in complete details. When you submit your sitemap to a search engine, which than quickly crawls through all pages of your website and list them all. (if you dont do this than possibly search engines will miss out some very important pages of your website.
5. Ping Sites
To get your website listed quickly in search engines, service known as PING SERVICES can also help your website get listed more quickly. Pinging actually tells the search engines that you have updated your website content.
Search engines like Google and Yahoo, Bing always like and prefer the freshly updated content. So all you need to do is Ping your website using once of following popular ping services: Ping.o.Matic, Technorati Ping, Pingoat Ping, Feed Ping, King Ping, Blog Flux Pinger etc.
6. Yahoo Answer
Yahoo answers has become basic Asking place for most of new bies and new internet users. Those people who are looking for some thing they dont know mostly ask their questions on Yahoo Answer service website. (goto: answers.yahoo.com). So keep checking this website regularly and look for people who are looking for such useful stuff, and possibly you can share your own website links to answer them what they need.
7. Review your own website/blog
You can write some reviews about your own website, describing about it services and features and offerings. Write in detailed reviews based on merits and post these on reviews on other websites or blogs (maybe you can pay another webmaster) or ask them to do a review exchange. This way you will surely get higher Search Engine value, plus high website reputation in front of your visitors.
8. Google Reader
Google reader is a fast RSS Search Engine Submission service provided by google, which can help your website to get listed fast using your website RSS url. If you have a RSS feed link, than you must submit that using Google Reader service (www.google.com/reader)
9. Email Signatures
Lol! this might seem a bit too childish but believe me these small things can actually help you a lot in the long tun. But setting up your Email signature containing your website URL can get atleast some of valueable traffic where your friends of colleagues will probably remember your website url.
10. Blog Commenting
Commenting on blogs can earn you some good valueable baclinks, which will bring both Direct Traffic and Search Traffic to your website. Just keep track of top and popular blogs, and prefer to post your own website URL in comments section (which is Free). But remember not to SPAM and do bogus publicity or you can get banned from that website. All you need to make sure is to only post your url when a someone is looking for information which your website already has. This way you can get targetted traffic and good search value.
I hope the above 10 points will help you get your website listed in Search Engines and as well get you some good traffic. Resulting in Higher Money Earnings with due to increased exposure of Ads on your partner Ad-networks.
I will shortly share more ways to boost your website traffic in Part 2 of this article.20 Good Ways To Boost Website Traffic – Second Half
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