

Saturday, August 13, 2011

10 Tweeting Ideas for better Tweet


Twitter is the best way for better advertisement. I was working on to find the ways for better tweet trick and tips. So I found the ten basic and best ways of Better Tweet. Here are these:  

1. Tweet quotes:

Everybody tweets quotes on twitter, how am I going to be different from them?” Well then, tweet your own quotes, your own thoughts! There are many tweets that make their original quotes, and their uniqueness makes them stand out. A beautiful quote which people can relate to, can become very popular on twitter and can go viral as well.

2. Share links:

You can follow @Tweetsmarter, @problogger, @smexaminer and many more for constant killer content and share them with your followers. Or share an interesting video you found on the net! It might prove to be helpful and useful for you as well as your readers too!

3. Send a funny tweet or a joke:

Be funny but not insulting or derogatory in any way. Funny tweets get noticed very quickly. It will help you keep your followers hooked onto your tweets and spread a smile or two in your stream.

4. Tweet about current events:

Twitter trending topics give us an instant update of the world happenings. You can tweet about them but make sure what you tweet is not factually incorrect or insensitive. Like for example, during the recent Japan earthquake and tsunami, a lot of tweets spread information regarding the helpline numbers for those affected and their family members – which is a brilliant way to use twitter!

5. Ask a question to your followers:

This will help you engage better and the answers might prove to be helpful to you and your followers as well. The questions can be anything – ranging from help/opinions regarding a situation or a recommendation for a product you intend to buy or a survey!

6. Retweets someone else:

This never gets old. When you run out of content to post, just share someone else’s post. Sharing multiple times will help you get noticed and grow your list of friends on twitter! Sharing is caring!

7. Repeat old (and popular) tweets:

This is what I do – I ‘favorite’ tweets which have received great response/retweets from tweeters and repeat them after *wide* intervals. Wide intervals because you might not want to fill your followers’ stream with the same tweets over and over again. Hence, I think it’s not a bad idea to repeat your great tweets if you ever run out of things to tweet about.

8. Tweet a photograph:

Just saw an interesting picture? A funny picture? A random pic? Or a picture from a tweet up? Then tweet it!  You can use twitpic, lockers, flicker and many other services and moreover, the good thing is that now even Twitter is having its own service to share photos on twitter. Photos on twitter garner a lot of attention.

9. Send a drive by tweet!

A simple ‘hello’ to a tweeter in your home feed, or a reply to someone’s tweet can not only help spark off a conversation but also help you gain a new twitter friend!

10. Send a voice tweet:

We always wonder how our twitter friends sound like, right? If you want to take tweeting to the next level – you can send a voice tweet to your followers! Audioboo is a great site that I have sent voice tweets from


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